How to Writing and Freebie booklet

This week we are exploring the fun writing process of How to...  I brought in things that I read that tell me how to do something.  (An instruction sheet, form, cooking magazine).  The students then brainstormed a list where they find how to's!

How to Make Kook-aid! 

I start by asking the students, "Who can tell me what to do to make Kool-aid?"  First response was, "dump the sugar in."  So I pick up the sugar and act like I'm going to dump it all in.  They start to shout NO!  So we stop and talk about what I should do first!  Directions need to be in a sequence.  I put a #1 on the chart paper and we proceed to put them in order.

I had to put the water in first because I don't have a sink so I had to get it during recess.  It still worked ok. 
Ingredients and materials.  I brought a half-cup so we could discuss the fraction and how to make it a whole cup.  Plus we did 2 packages of Kool-aid so we had to figure out how much sugar was needed!

My Top Banana Birthday girl was my helper today!

Wow - orange water!  They acted like they had never seen Kool-aid before!

Stir and stir!

What was I thinking by using all this sugar!  I got rave reviews for being the best teacher ever!  Granted I'm only their third teacher!!

Now it's their turn to write their own How to... book.  We brainstormed a list of ideas.

These are the booklets I made.  They love the premade books.  They feel like professional authors!

My copy machine makes these booklets for me.  I put in the full size sheet and walla!  A booklet!

This is the writer's checklist included in the back of the booklet.  We will go over my example to see if I did everything too.  Then they will do it independently.

Grab your own How to... booklet.  Click here!  If you download please leave feedback and become a follower!  I hope you like!!


  1. It seems interesting to write as I am into writing as a part time job as well. And as a teacher in grade school, I want to teach my students how to write in a right manner. It is very beneficial for them not just during their school years, but for their entire life.

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