Contact Me

Lori M

I started my blogging journey in 2011 and I've had some adventures over the years.  I have had many changes in my teaching and personal life!  There are times I didn't blog much because family is the most important.  I am beginning a journey back into sharing my knowledge and love of teaching. 

I started teaching in1993! It makes me one of the older ones in my building!  Wiser too!  
I have taught special education K-8 grade, 1st and 2nd grade and now I am teaching kindergarten, which is a whole new ball game.   
I continue to learn from others all the time and I hope that some can also learn from me.

As a teacher it's easy not to take care of ourselves and take care of everyone else.  As I am going into the end of my teaching career in the next decade it is my goal to remember who I am and what is good for me.  I hope to instill that in all my teacher friends!  Our mental and physical health is important.  

Let's make us a priority!

 Thank you for joining me on my blog!  


If you have questions or just want to chat please feel free to contact me by email at: 

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