Friday, March 25, 2011

Fraction Creatures - Freebie!

In math we have been studying fractions.  So for fun today we made fraction creatures.  Using 1.5" squares of construction paper students make a creature of their choice.  They can only use two colors.  We add sticker eyes and use a black marker to add details.  The students label their creature by writing the fraction of color used on their creature.  I got the eye stickers from Oriental Trading.  They are the cutest!

Here's a link to the Fraction Creature Label.  Sorry I can't show it here.  My snipping tool isn't working.  I'll try again later!  Enjoy!


  1. AHHHHH! I am so glad you left your url when you entered the contest. We are starting fractions tomorrow! I am adding this to my lesson plans.
    Too cute!


  2. Love it!! Starting fractions too!! Can't wait to do this activity with my first graders!! :)
