Thursday, March 31, 2011

On The Double Gameboard Freebie Double Addition Facts

Click on the board to get a copy!

Here's a gameboard I play when I am teaching addition of doubles!  You will need number cards 1-10.  Everyday Math includes number cards so I use those, but you can also use playing cards.

Directions:  Stack the cards facedown and set the game markers on start.  To take a turn, a player draws a card and announces the number.  Then he states the corresponding doubles fact and moves to the next space with that sum on the game board.  He places his card in a discard pile and his turn ends.   Every time he crosses start, he takes a penny.  The game continues with the next player taking a turn in a similar manner.  Players reshuffle the cards as needed.  The first player to collect four pennies wins.


  1. Love it! Can't wait to try it with my first graders.

  2. Thanks Lori!! Just printed this game. We are starting doubles this week. Great idea for Math tubs on Friday!!
