Thursday, April 14, 2011

Earth Day Shirts Day 2

What fun we had today while we finished our Earth Day Shirts.

Materials Needed Today:
Multiple colors of fabric paints
bug foam stamps (I found mine at a craft store like Hobby Lobby or Michaels)  Next year I'm buying them from Oriental Trading.  I've bought other stamps before and they were really nice. 
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12 Going Buggy! Foam Stamps

Using a small sponge I paint the chosen bug stamp rather than dipping it in the paint.  This prevents too much paint and blobs on the shirt.  I let the students chose three to put on.  They would love to have more but this can take about an hour for 15 students.  After they go home I add the slogan that we've come with and the year.  This year they chose "Save Our Earth!"  They look so cute when they all wear them  together when we clean up the school yard.
I let the students put on the stamps after I put the paint on.  I usually have about 6 different insects and I chose one color for each.  All students get the same color so I don't have to clean the stamps in between.

These are the stamps and sponges that I used this year.  I've used them for a few years and with the other first grades so they last quite awhile as long as you wash them right away.

Before I added the slogan.

Hope you all can add this into your day.  I have 5th graders telling me.  I remember when we made those.  Kids in my class get excited because they remember when their sibling made one.  A third grader told me he still had his even though it didn't fit!  This is a treasure to make.

1 comment

  1. Just found your blog through TBA. Love the Earth Day shirts! Excited to follow another TBA!
