Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Popcorn, Popcorn

This week we've been studying the /or/ sound so I've been using the popcorn unit from Abby at The Inspired Apple.  What a cute unit she put together.  Yesterday we used our senses to write adjectives while we popped popcorn in an air popper.  Today we used the adjectives to write a poem.  Here's the pattern:

Popcorn, Popcorn
________________ (Adjectives)
Popcorn, Popcorn
________________ (last word rhymes with second line)

My example:
Popcorn, Popcorn
Fluffy and White
Popcorn, Popcorn
Going to eat it all night!

The kids did a great job on this.  They wrote the rough drafts today and they'll make the final copy on a popcorn kernal!

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