Friday, April 8, 2011

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick by Lucille Colandro

The week of Easter I'm going to read this book!  I've planned out some fun activities to do with it. 

We're going to act out the story with clip art pictures and add them to the stomach of the old lady dress that I made.  I used a ziplock baggie attached to the back of the dress that becomes a pocket to hold the pictures.
We're going to work on rhyming this week from the items in the book that the old lady swallows.  I've programed the laminated old lady with a word and they will interactively write more rhymes.  I used a coloring page of the old lady and made a transparency of her and projected it onto the poster board and traced it.
I've made some Easter Basket worksheets to go along with this.  Each basket is programmed with a word and the students write the rhymes in the eggs.  The bulletin board heading is going to be, "A Tisket, A Tasket, A Colored Rhyming Basket!"
You can get this at TpT for $2.00!
Happy Easter!

1 comment

  1. Hi Mrs. M,

    If you uploaded the image you wish to create a button for in imgur, you will need to click and copy the direct link.

    I saved the direct link in a word document and transferred the code from my post. This code is what will provide individual to grab your button.

    If you are looking for a button to link with out the grab box, you will need a shorter code. I am prevented from leaving this in a comment. I would be happy to email you tonight when I get home from work.

    Primary Graffiti
