Friday, July 8, 2011

Jungle Room

I've been working at my bulletin boards for next year.  They're not all done but I thought I'd share! 
This board used to be my calendar area but now I do the calendar on my Promethean board.  So I put the schedule, rules and birthday together.  My No Monkey Business is my behavior system.  All children have a monkey with their name on it.  They all start on green - the happy banana!  If they break a rule they move to the yellow banana and stay in for 5 minutes of their recess to talk with me.  If they move their monkey again to the red banana they owe 15 minutes of recess and talk with me again and they get a note home.  If they continue to get in trouble then I will send them to the principal.  However, I only had to do that once last year.

I put my desk flush against the wall to help me not to sit at it when the kids are there.  This is my teacher board.  The photos are my five adorable kids!  I used a thumbtack to hold the frame.

My rainbow color monkeys!

This board isn't done.  I made new CAFE signs in the Jungle theme that I will hang.  Then I bought 4 pocket charts to hang below each category so that I can put the task cards in the pocket and easily take it out when I want to.  I'm trying to find a new home for my microwave.  I never used to have it here but I brought it in to make smores and thought I'd leave it here.

Jungle Jobs!

This is going to be my math board.  I have been following all the Debbie Diller blogs.  Last year I tried Daily Math so I'm going to try math tubs this year.  The pocket chart is an old calendar pocket chart for the rotations.  The strips are erasable sentence strips.  I have categories paper practice, number games, fact practice and math tools.  I wrote the activity on the sentence strip for them to do.  I don't know if I'll continue this.

Oh yah - I need a title suggestion!

Word Wall

This one is a work in progress.  I have labels for each Daily Five.  When we make our anchor charts they will be added to this board.

Outside my door!

Sorry this blog was so long.  I won't be able to get into my room until August now -they're cleaning so I'll have to be patient to stay out!!


  1. Your room looks great so far! I can't wait until I am allowed back in my classroom so I can get started!

  2. Your room is already so amazing! Great Job!

  3. I am wanting to do an ocean theme this year but after seeing your monkey stuff, I want to do this again. Great job! I will keep thinking about your math board title.

  4. Where did you get a lot of your bulletin board stuff?

  5. It looks amazing!!! I ♥ the little palm tree you made on your B-Board!!! So cute!!!! Where did you get your big bulletin board animals??? The big hanging monkey, and the peek around giraffe and elephant???? I need them!!;)
    Little Warriors

  6. Hi Katie! I wish I could say you would be able to get those cute big animals but I've had those for about 20 years!! Wow - I'm dating myself! I got these from a company called School Matters. I believe this was the same company as Really Good Stuff! You could blow up clipart with a transparency and overhead and then use pastel chalk to color them. You get really good colors. Then spray it with hairspray to keep it from rubbing off.

  7. Your jungle theme is awesome! I'm hoping to do one this year. I hope I can live up to yours!:)
