Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stone Soup and Thanksgiving Feast

Each Thanksgiving we put on a Thanksgiving Feast.  We start at the end of October with practicing a script on the history of the Pilgrims.  I can't remember where I found this play it was when I was student teaching and that was a long time ago!!

We make girl and boy pilgrim hats and Native American Headbands and vests.  The headbands have adding and subtracting problems on them so we can incorporate some math into the craft.  The kids are so cute.  The vests are made from grocery bags.

The day before the feast we make Stone Soup and read many, many different versions of the English Folktale.  The kids love the story.  We complete a Main Idea and Details on the Promethean Board and read a Stone Soup poem. Click on the flipchart page below to go to TpT to pick it up for Free!

 One student brings in a washed stone for our soup.  We use a crock pot to make the soup.  I read the version Stone Soup by Heather Forest.  This version has a great way of asking the students to put their vegetables in the pot.  Each student brings their vegetable up to the pot and puts it in.  After we get all the veggies I add water, Mrs. Dash and Beef Bouillon.  Later I add barley.

I always have with me a can opener, knife and peeler for those who bring veggies that are not prepared.
Front Cover

Here are other versions I read during the week.
This is one of my favorites.  I love how it repeats and the kids can join in!

The three first grades combine their crockpots of Stone Soup and we serve it during the feast when the students perform their program.  Parents bring in raw veggies and dip, sausage, cheese and cracker platters, cut up fruit, bread and butter and pumpkin bars or muffins.  It's fun for all!

You can get the play and all the forms I use in word document form so you can edit them at my TpT account.  Click Here!


  1. That sounds like so much fun! I'm jealous! My principal would have a fit because it's "home-made". Only store bought goodies allowed at our school. I don't know if it's fear of razor blades or some other horror OR just the allergy thing which is a hot topic at our school.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. Love it! We are rocking the old school Thanksgiving Program on Tuesday. We can't feast or have ANYTHING food related because the rules are super strict here when it comes to food. I love the stone soup idea so much. Thanks for sharing! We will just have to do it without the fun of the soup!
    Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits
