Muscles and more!

Today the students added muscles to their human bodies.  We only add them to one leg.  Otherwise we would be there a while.  They couldn't believe there are over 640 muscles!  They got on the topic of muscles are meat.  This happened when they were coloring the muscle red.  One little girl said she loves to eat sheep!  Wow that's a new one for me!

Today we finished up discussing the story of Gertrude McFuzz and how she didn't like herself and after her disaster with trying to change herself she realized she was ok the way she was. 

Each student folded a large piece of construction paper like a folder and glued the doll pattern to the front.  They then designed the doll to look like themself.  Then we labeled things we liked about ourselves. 

In the inside of the folder they colored a heart and then labeled what make them special.

The did a fabulous job.  I hung these on their lockers for all to see.

I guess we still need to work on which way a book folds!

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