Thursday, March 22, 2012

Is today over? Phew!!

Today is the day when I only get a 20 minute break for library!  It makes for a long day and the kiddos are so wound up with this unusual warm weather!

I read Fly Guy vs the Flyswatter.  What a cute book.  Then we played Whap!  This is where we are in two teams and hit a word with a flyswatter that I call out.  We used the Fly Guy Words from  the unit I bought from Lindsey from  It's such a cute unit.  Full of ideas.

We then read Knight Mike and his Long I Adventures and highlighted all the long i words and wrote the words on his shield.  Then we made the knight.  

If you want the pattern you can get it at my TpT store.
Then we went to computers and played Frog and Toad Checkers.  That was a lot of fun!!
For math we are learning about Hundreds, Tens and Ones and regrouping.  the students each used the mats and I used this link from Everyday Math.
Before Regrouping

After Regrouping

This a photo of the white board.  The longs and cubes can link together to regroup.  It's very visual.

Now after everyone left I took a look at the floor - Oh my!  They forgot to clean up!  I bribed my own kids to clean it up!  Chocolate goes a long way!!

I guess it shows we had a busy day but that's not the way I want to end my day!  They will be helping me out tomorrow!!

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