Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Let's Go Shopping Math Center Freebie

Do you need a simple math center. Now that we have introduced all the coins and dollar.  I use this center to check on their ability to display the coins for a given amount.

Gather a bunch of coupons.  Ask around to get a few and they can be expired.

Students glue a coupon to each side and rubber stamp the coins to equal the amount.

To add some differentiation just have the students put two coupons down and add the savings together.  Work on money notation at the bottom and you've hit a lot of different skills!

Click on a picture to pick it up for free.  Please leave some feedback and become a follower if you're not already.


  1. I want to thank you for the freebies but the documents do not work when you click on them. Could you email them to me? My firsties would love this!!!!! Thanks!

    1. Thank you for letting me know! I have fixed the links. Not sure what happened there!

  2. Love this!! I am your newest follower. Come visit my blog sometime! :)
    Hello Mrs Sykes

  3. I love this activity! This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. I am your newest follower. Check out my blog. www.spoutinabout2nd.blogspot.com
