Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cookin' with oo

This week we read the lovely stories of Little Bear by Else Homlmelund Minarik.  In the Treasure Series we read the one of Little Bear Goes to the Moon!

So... we made Moon Rocks!  I used this recipe by Kellogg's.    You will need... Chocolate Cereal, Mini-marshmallows, milk chocolate, and white chocolate chips.

Melt the chocolate in a microwave and add it on top of the dry ingredients.  Everyone got to mix a bit.

I gave each student a sheet of aluminum foil and with a small measuring cup they scooped it on the foil.


Then they balled them up.  It says to put them in the fridge but we just let them sit on our desks for about 30 minutes.  Not eating them was a challenge.  

Some stuck together better than others but they didn't care!  It had chocolate!!

Check out last year's blog to see how to make a chef (cook) hat.  Click on the photo below.

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