Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Reading List - Linky Party

I love to read as most teachers do and I really work hard to give myself time during the year to read for pleasure.  I am currently reading book 13 out of 20! of the The Sisterhood Series by Fern Michaels.  I hope to finish the whole series this summer!  This should probably be all I read!

I'm hoping to join Mrs. Wills Book Study.  I'm trying to get all the teachers in my school PreK-4 to join in!

My favorite author for relaxing is Barbara Freethey!  She incorporates mystery and love in such a unique way.   She has a new series I haven't started yet and a sequel to a fantastic series from Angel Bay.  I can't wait for it to come out in June!  Her books are hard to find.  I end up ordering online.  Now that I have my Kindle Fire - it takes a press of a button!

Daniel’s Gift
This book was amazing.  It's about boy that is hurt and through this tragedy he gets a guardian angel.  I couldn't put it down.  I don't want to tell you more!  You should get it!

Happy Reading this Summer ~ I know I will!

1 comment

  1. Someone else mentioned Daniel's gift in another post. Stop by and say hello. Happy reading this summer!

    April @ The Idea Backpack
