Monday, May 7, 2012

I've Been Nominated!! and Prayers are needed!

I am so excited I can't contain it!  My little blog has been nominated for the
  Accelerated Degree Programs
This is very special.  I love writing my blog and sharing ideas with fellow teachers!  It is such an honor to be nominated by Accelerated Degree Programs.

To win this nomination it will take the help of all my followers.  You will need to vote for little ole me!

Voting begins May 14th at 12:01 AM (EST).The blog with the most votes by May 21st at 11:59 PM (EST) will win the grand prize, a $100 restaurant gift card. 

On a very different and personal note my husband, Troy, just received a phone call from the doctor that he has a cyst on his liver and a spot on his lung.  We are going to the doctor tomorrow to hopefully learn more.  Please pray for my family.  We need strength right now and only through God may we get that.  Thank you for the encouragement and prayers.


  1. Just sent up a prayer for your husband...try not to let your imagination get the best of you. Many hugs.

    Congrats on the award!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. Congratulations and my prayers are with your family!

    Lohren Nolan

  3. Congratulations to you! My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope everything will turn out alright.
     Chrissy

    First Grade Found Me
