Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm Back and Revived! Get a Freebie!

I'm back from Florida!  I could have picked a better time to visit the "Sunshine State"!  We had a lot of "Liquid Rain"!!  We were down in St. Petersburg for a wedding.  We were lucky the wedding was in the sun and it was absolutely beautiful.  We took the kids to Orlando.  The storms were a bit much but we made the best of it and did as much as we could!

We drove!!  Call us nuts!  Here are couple things I did to help!

I found this on pinterest.  It worked wonderfully with the little ones.  It was great for treats and toys too. Click the pic to go to the original post.

Have to get one of these before our next road trip,this is genius!

Traveling with 5 kids in a van is no piece of cake.  So I took my classroom behavior chart and shrunk it for the car!!

Everyone started on Green! If they got to red they lost a treat at our next stop!  It worked out pretty good!  A few times we saw red and it was quickly turned around.  My 3 year old hated when he went to yellow!  Now we are using it in the house.  Love it!  Click on the photo to get your own.  I didn't make it a pdf so you can change the words to fit your needs.

I got to read a few books from my favorite author: Barbara Freethy!  I love her books and my Kindle Fire!  What a great way to bring books on a vacation!


  1. I don't know why...but it struck me as funny that you took your behavior chart with you on vacation! Love it though! I'm think that basket holder for food is an awesome idea for my husband. :-)

  2. Love this...I used the clip chart in my class this year and started implementing it at home with great results. Love the mini for the car!!!

  3. Love the idea for eating in the car. Thanks for sharing it.


  4. I love your road trip idea!!! I can't wait to use this with my 3 kids. Thanks for sharing.

  5. That basket is a perfect idea for a road trip!! I have a little one that would make such a mess without it. Thanks for sharing that idea!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. I live in Tampa just 20 min north of St Pete....that is so sad that on your vacay we had a tropical storm roll through. We went hiking today and still saw destruction from it. Love the car ideas too!
    -Melissa Wade (

  7. LOL - oh I think I need one for my car too~!! That is an awesome idea. Super well done~!!

    The Paper Maid

  8. I wish I knew you were visiting Florida. I live in Clearwater now very close to where you were. We could have caught up on the fun days of ECE4U Online Cohort #1 (2010). I don't miss the snow or cold weather it's too bad you didn't get to soak in the sun. I am so glad I found your site through Pinterest. Thanks for the great ideas.

    Jaime Holevas

    1. Hi Jamie! It's so nice to hear from you!! Right now we don't have snow it's rain! Crazy! I didn't realize where in Florida you were. We were in Clearwater! Even with the rain it was fun! Were you able to find a job? Take care!
