Saturday, July 7, 2012


I see that there are quite a few of you reading The Sisters books right now.  I loved reading those books and I keep them by me when I'm teaching (like a Bible)!  Click on the book to go their website.
I put up a bulletin board in the room to hang up the rules and techniques.  This was my CAFE board before I made my new headers.  I'm sorry I don't have a current photo.  I now use mini-pocket charts to put the techniques into.  It works wonderfully.

Here's the board with the pocket charts!  It made it so easy.  I loved that I could take the skill in and out of the pocket to show the class or hang it up front and center to focus on the one we were working on!

The green basket on the unfortunate microwave spot held my cards.

Grab the headers here for free!!  Click Here!  Stop by to be a follower and leave a little love!


  1. I love your headers. They will great hanging in my classroom. Thanks so much for sharing.


  2. I'm so glad you guys can use them! Enjoy!

  3. Oh Lori,these are so darn cute! I am sharing them with a co-worker that does Monkeys in her room. Will be following you more closely too! Thanks!
