Sunday, July 15, 2012


The give away has ended!!  Thank you for celebrating having 500 followers!  

1st Place - Cathy Irwin
2nd Place - Lori

Tomorrow we start VBS at my church!  I'm the director.  It always takes a lot of energy to get it all together but it's so rewarding to see the kids' faces!!

We were going to have a campfire and make smores but we have a fire ban because of our lack of rain!  So we're going to try these S'more Cups.  I can't wait to try them.  Here's the link! 


  1. Yay for Smores!! It's on my summer to do list! :) I was wondering, which Lori won the giveaway?? :)

    1. I have emailed her and made contact. I do not have a last name.

      The smores were absolutely delicious! You should try the recipe!
