Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day Photos

Well, I've actually started my third day of school and things are going great!  I have a wonderful class.  We are working on learning all the procedures.  I like to spend a lot of time on this so they are secure in it and we then have less behavior problems.

I made a frame for the photos that has been going around blog world!  I used a frame that I had bought for my own children where you put their school pictures in and of course I never did it!  So, I re-purposed it!  Here are a few of my kiddos!

I know it's not Monday.  I made it on Monday but just got the photos uploaded!  I think it turned out pretty cute!  I hope I can preserve it for next year!


  1. These frames are too cute! I'd like to invite you to my new linky called "Fun Friday." It is all about the fun things we do in our classrooms. I'd love for you to stop by and link up!

    Teaching Fourth

  2. Those frames really came out great!

  3. These turned out great! I thought I missed my chance to do them because I didn't have them ready for the first day but since these just say "First Grade" I could still do it!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

