Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Intervention Questions?

We started intervention this last week.  Every grade level was assigned 30 minutes to work on reading and math.  We have reading three times and math twice a week.

We are able to have the reading specialist and RtI Teacher work with us at the same time.  Our gifted adn talented teacher is working with another grade level at our time.  With the three of us in the team, that gives us five teachers to divide the kids into.   The size of our groups range from 12 to about 20.  Not too bad.

Now for the questions??

Do you have intervention?  For how long?
How do you separate your groups?
How do you decide what skills you should be teaching in your groups?
Where do you find resources to help differentiate?

Thank you for your feedback!  Can't wait to hear!


  1. We have intervention groups 4 days a week for 30-35 min. We have a late start Wed. for students so teachers can collaborate, develop common assessments, and discuss the shared students for intervention.

    We focus in on a subject area (ie. math). We look at the learning targets for the unit and the grade level standards for the year. We determine our greatest area of need. We use a common assessment, score it, and form groups based on the skills with the most need. We also try to find a way to provide enrichment during this block of time.

    Depending on the skill, we can often pool resources to provide the differentiated instruction. We have three teachers at our grade level, plus we receive one additional teacher for support. We tend to keep the groups small (6-8 students each). This means the students not participating in the intervention group are doing some other task at their seats.

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail me.
    Stories by Storie

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. We can't have anyone working independently so we can't divide our large groups in half. We are bit bummed by this but we understand the reasoning.

  2. I am a Reading Recovery/Reading Intervention Teacher at my school and we have Reading Intervention with K-First Grade 4 days a week for 30 minutes. We also have Math Intervention with 1-2 Grades 4 days a week for 30 minutes. The students are divided into ability groups with 4-7 students per group. We use a literacy and math assessment and teacher recommendations at the beginning of the year to group students. My school recieves a grant that allows us to fund our Math and Reading Interventions...we use some of the money from the grant to purchase supplies, but for reading the only supplies we really use a lot are magnetic letters, journals (construction paper with blank paper bound together), and leveled books. We use a Literacy Block Model developed by a Reading Recovery Teacher from another district in our state. It has a four day lesson plan that focuses on reading, word work, and writing. The Math Recovery Teacher at our school used our Literacy Block Model to start a Math Intervention Block this year. So far it is going great. We pull every available staff member we can during this 1 hour block; from special education teachers, guidance counselor, to instructional aides. Everyone gets the same training, and the Math Recovery teacher and myself do monthly walk-throughts to ensure that everything is running smoothly and to answer any questions anyone has.

    I hope this helps!

    1. Thank you so much for your input! I was wondering if you knew the name of your grant and where to apply? Our school just became a Title 1 Funded school due to low income families and we are always looking for ways to get extra funding. Math support is our biggest weakness. I love the idea of your little journals! How often do you adjust your groups?
