Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Behavior Blahs - Get a Freebie to Help!

Are you thinking about that little gal or guy that is struggling to get control of their behavior and need some positive encouragement.  I use these Daily Progress Booklets to help with this.  These are made up individually for the child who needs support.  This is done in collaboration with the parents.

I only choose 2 to 3 behaviors to work on at a time.  Too many and they can't focus on improving!

Behaviors I've listed are "Sitting appropriately at the carpet, Keep hands to self, Keep area cleaned up, Using nice words to others, Being a good friend, Staying dry, Line up correctly etc."  I keep all the behaviors positive.

I made these sheets full size because I use a function on my copier to make booklets.  Check with your office people to see if you have this function.  This will reduce the size to half, fold the pages in half and staple it.

I run off one to two weeks at a time.  This gives me the option to update the behaviors if they succeeded in one or need a different behavior to work on.

I do not reward the children based on the behavior.  I talk with them daily about their behavior.  I leave it up to the parents to decide if they are going to reward.  This tool works great to communicate with the parents. We are able to write notes back and forth to each other and the students know that we talk.

I save all these booklets and use them at conferences or share them with the special ed department if I refer.

Pick up your copy by clicking below!

Hope you had a fabulous Christmas!  Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a Happy New Year!


  1. I really like this idea. I have one child who just can't get it together with our class behavior plan and he needs something of his own. I've been looking around for new ideas, since mine all seem to bomb. I will definitely have to give this a shot and see what happens. Thanks!

    Kinder Kraziness

    1. Good luck - I know it can be a challenge but I have found that the kids like these booklets.

  2. This is great! It will come in very handy with a couple of my darlings! I am a new follower!
    Second Grade is Out of This World

    1. Thanks for following. I'm on my way to check out your blog!!

  3. Just found your precious blog and am your newest follower.
    Would love for you to join in the Shout Out linky I'm co-hosting beginning January 1st with Katie Knight of Teacher to the Core. :-)
    Growing Firsties

    1. Thank you for following - I stopped by yours and noticed you also live in Wisconsin! Your the first Wisconsin Blogger I've found! Love to keep following you and maybe some day we could meet!

  4. Lori!
    I just found your blog and it hit me that I know you! I used to teach near you before I was married. I love your blog and TpT store. I blog at Hope you had a wonderfully blessed Christmas!
    Julie (Knickel) Gesin

    1. Hi Julie!! It's so nice you found me! Where are you teaching now! I still live down the street from St. John's. I just followed your blog! How fun! We'll have to keep in contact to share about our firties!
