Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cause and Effect

Today I introduced Cause and Effect!

We started by making an anchor chart!  Surprisingly, they were able to provide some input on what it was even before I taught it.  My anchor charts are not as cute as some but the students get the point!

We came up with some clue words to look for when we were reading.  But we also discussed that sometimes there are not clue words to help us and we need to ask ourselves why did that happen?

This is my CAFE board.  I love having the pocket charts.  I refer to it almost on a daily basis.  I move them around to fit my needs.  If you want the headers click here.  They are free.  You can also pick up other Daily Five items!

Tomorrow, we are continuing on with Cause and Effect.  We are reading I Repeat, Don't Cheat! by Margery Cuyler.  Click photo to go to Amazon.  There are a lot of cause and effects in this cute book and a great discussion topic!  Great for many ages!  We will be filling out a cause and effect graphic organizer after we read the story.  We will also look for clue words.  Get those magnifying glasses out!

For Earth Day we used the Lorax mustache to add to our writing.  This unit was provided by  It's a freebie!  Very Cute!  But isn't my little guy the cutest too!  He spiked his hair - I think there is resemblance!


Let's Compare and Contrast!!  All kinds of comprehension going on in our room!

1 comment

  1. Thanks for the freebie! I’m having a giveaway please stop by
