Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fossil Fun

My son's sixth grade class was learning about fossils.  His teacher asked us to do a buddy project!  What fun.  We joined up with the sixth graders and they taught my firsties how a real fossil is formed and shared pictures from their textbook.

Then they each got to make a fossil.  Each dixie cup contained clay in the bottom.  They picked out a small animal and pushed it into the clay.  After it made the impression they took the animal out and poured a little water on top.  Last the teacher poured plaster of paris on them and they sat for the weekend.  The sixth graders came down to our room and delivered the fossils.  They were pretty cute - sorry no picture.  They were also very fragile.  One child dropped it and shattered - lots of tears.  Next year - make extras.
Picking out the animals - how do I choose!

This is my son, Josh!!

Lots of curiosity!

Used small plastic animals!

What buddy activities do you do?  I'm always looking for suggestions.


  1. I love this idea! We have Reading Buddies and sometimes we write with them, too! We pair the whole school up with a buddy and let them find a quiet place to read together...It's a pretty noisy time!!
    I'm glad I found you...I'll be back!

    1. Glad to have you stop by! I agree with the noise but honestly they are all reading! It's fun to see them interact.
