My classroom is not up and running yet. We have Back to School Night on the 28th. I took a few pictures.
My newest addition to my room is my foam carpet squares. I put them in groups of 10 for Ten Frames. I currently have 19 students so I hope I don't get more than 20! I bought them online through Wal-mart. They seem to be good quality. They are gray on the reverse side. I hope they last awhile!
The green drawers contain my Word Work materials. Not sure if they are staying in this spot but for now they are next to the Top Banana board. We put the pictures in the pocket chart for the star student.
My Family Tree is in the reading center. Students bring in photos of their family and they hang up all year long. On Back to School night the parents right a special love note to their child for the first day of school. This correlates to the story, The Kissing Hand. I wish I had all matching baskets but I can not afford this change.
I used zebra duct tape to portion off the top of my whiteboard. The CCSS got up there! I hope I'm better at posting them this year.
Love my reading cart. Books are divided into guided reading levels. Students can take these books home to practice with their families.
I like the U shape with the desks. I can get around pretty easily. I wish I didn't have to have any in the middle but I cant't avoid it with 19 students.
Book boxes from Really Good Stuff! Love that stuff! Now you can buy boxes all of the same color!
Writing Center and Mailboxes. This needs some organizing from last year! My mailboxes have binder clips on them with a number rather than a name tag so I don't have to change them every year. Students right their number on their papers to help with filing them.
I have four student computers in my room. I use these for the program Raz-Kids. The computers work better for this program than the I-pads. This year we are getting Nexus tablets. I hope they come in soon so I can get them set up!
Hopefully, in the next week or so I will get everything done and I can share some better photos! Have fun setting up your room. Check out Blog Hoppin' for more classroom photos!
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