Thursday, August 1, 2013

Take Home Parent Packs

I have many working parents who want to help in the classroom but can't volunteer to come in and they want to help.  So I developed take home packets.  I like to put them out at Back to School Nights or Parent Teacher Conferences so parents can sign up.  I also send them home with parents who request this.

One easy project to send home is the math manipulative pages that I tear out of the back of our Everyday Math Books.   Other things to send home: take apart Book Order forms, cut out lamination, call list for Market Day parent reminders, type up student stories for publishing and anything that you can think of.

I glue this sheet to the front of a manilla envelope.  I include all the supplies that the parent will need.  I try to make it as easy as possible.  Click on the page to download it in a word doc so you can adjust it to fit your needs.

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