Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Big One!! My Giveaway! and Tips and Tricks!

Thank you Traci from Dragonflies in First for the adorable button!!

Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway!
Ends Tomorrow!!

Parent Take Home Packs!
I just blogged about this August 1st but it is a life savior!
Click picture to take you to the original post and the freebie!

New Student Supplies

You never know when you are going to get a new student!  Could be tomorrow could be the week of Christmas!  To make my life easier I put together a book bin with all the nametags, books, folders, Parent Handbook and notes, etc. I will need for the student.  I make up two of these.  It has really been a life savior for me when they show up that morning to my room!

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