Thursday, June 26, 2014

Giraffe Art

My K-2 Multicultural Art Class made giraffes with torn paper.  This lesson was purchased from Deep Space Sparkle!  My principal stopped by today and told me she loves what I'm doing with the art classes and why didn't I apply for the art position that was open!  What a compliment!  You need to check out her lessons! So easy to follow!

 This little girl is going into kindergarten in the Fall.  She told me she was tired and didn't want to finish the giraffe.  I started telling her how good she was doing and that I was going to need to take a picture for my blog and boy did she get inspired!  She did a fantastic job!  The author of Deep Space Sparkle does express that students can get tired of the tearing and gluing.  This is especially true with my summer classes lasting 75 minutes long!

I try to hang their beautiful work but I've run out of room!  Check these out!  Please pin if you like!

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