Materials Needed:
Clear Container (I used a small plastic fish aquarium. Could use a jar for smaller habitats.)
Potting Soil
Oatmeal, Rotten Banana
Strips of newspaper
1. Put the gravel on the bottom.
2. Add soil. Spritz with water. Not too much, Worms can drown.
3. Moist newspaper but not drenched.
4. Oatmeal
5. Repeat the process.
6. Put the banana on the top between the side and the soil.
7. Add worms to the top and observe.
8. Cover with mesh or cheesecloth so they can breath.
9. Put in dark room or I cover it with black butcher block paper.
10. Try to observe around the same time each day.
They wrote down their observations about the worms. They wish the worms moved faster!
Today we also ate worms! Gummy worms that is! Each child got one gummy worm. They measured the worm in inches and centimeters. They with a buddy they stretched out their worm and remeasured it. Most of them doubled in size.
We them had a lot of fun with a Gummy Worm Math Experiment where we stretched out the worm by weighing it down with pennies. We measured the worm length every 5 inches. We were running out of time so we started measuring after every 10 pennies! We used 100 pennies. We were just about to add 101 when it snapped!
I used a ruler instead of a dowel and taped a paper clip to the ruler to keep it secure. I then attached another clip and then I put the clip through the worm. The bottom clip went through the tail and the little bucket hung on that clip. The kids were so excited as we kept adding pennies.
I have a data sheet that I eventually hope to upload for you! Right now I'm off to bed! Tomorrow we start exploring magnets!
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