Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Meet the Teacher Blogger Linky

I'm a veteran teacher now!  Boy how time flies!  I've been teaching for 21 years.  I taught kindergarten Title 1, special education for 5 years, second grade for 1 year and the rest has been in first grade!  I also teach for the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater in the EC program!  

I've also been married for 21 years to my soul mate!  We have 5 wonderful children that keep us extremely busy!

This is the most recent photo taken in Wyoming with our best friend, Julie! We've adopted her too! :)

Q: These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Christian Music
Scrapbooking when I can

Q: If You Weren't a Teacher, What Would You Be?
Author - I love to write.  I've been published for a little article but I'd love to write a children's book!  Blogging fills that niche!

Q: Three Little Words That Describe You

On Bad Days when I wish my children were back in school!!!!: 
Frustrated, Grumpy, Impatient

On most days: Caring, Dedicated, Creative

Q: Finish This Sentence, "________, Said No Teacher Ever!!
"Please give me the new student, Said No Teacher EVER!"

Q: It's Your Birthday And You Can Invite Anyone To The Party. Who Are You Inviting?
I could ask famous people but in all honesty I would rather just spend time with my family!

Q: If Someone Wrote a Book About Your Life, What Would Be the Title?
It's Time to Leave the Building, Mrs. M

Q: You Get To Pick One Superpower. What Is It?
Could I make up a superpower to control children behavior?

Q: What's Your Favorite Quote?
You didn't grow under my heart but in it!

Q: If You Had to Sing One Song On American Idol, What Would It Be?

Blessings by Laura Story 
Overcomer by Mandissa

Q: Are You a Morning Person or Night Owl?

Both - but I prefer nights!

Q: What's Your Favorite Resource You've Created?

 I developed this plant unit and my brother made the Mr. Potato Head pieces!  I just love his work!  You can either purchase the whole unit or just the the pieces!

Q: Share Something We Might Not Know About You!

I'm going to try to stop drinking soda!  Ahhh what am I thinking?
I'm going to need help, strength and prayers to get through this.

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