I just love my class! They are the best class!
I have been trying out Whole Brain Teaching for a few years but I haven't done more than the rules. This year I'm expanding to using more of the system. It went super well!! The kids were loving the action and they were very focused.
This is my Scoreboard. I used a wipe off board and used Washii Tape. One section is for the morning and the second section is for the afternoon. I used sticky velcro to attach the dry erase marker! This is important for me. I tend to put things down and can't find them again!! I love that the board is portable. This will be especially nice when I'm working with a small group and do not want to keep getting up to emphasize their behavior.
The Scoreboard was a fantastic way to get the children to focus when they started talking with each other. Visit www.wholebrainteaching.com. There are webcasts and tons of videos.
Every time you catch them following the rules they get a point. (smiley)
When they are breaking the rules you get a point! (sad)
Your job is to keep the points within 3 points of each other to keep the interest! If they are ahead at the end of the day they win a few minutes to play a class game.
I hope you try it out - you'll be happy you tried it!
My baby started high school today!! There were tears shed - mine!!
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