Monday, March 9, 2015

Persuasive Writing with Australian Animals and Freebies

Australian animals are so fun to learn about!  The students get so excited about how different they are.

The kids made these Aboriginal Dot Art paintings in art class.  
I love when we can integrate topics.

This is a form of the emu craft floating around on Pinterest.  
Gluing pipecleaners is not easy.  I think I would change that for next time.
We edged the paper with an ethnic roller that I found through School Specialty.

Now onto our persuasive writing.  Students had to think about which Australian animal they would like for a pet!  Yes a pet!  For my example I am choosing the dingo!

We are writing letters to our parents, using the O.R.E.O. mnemonic device to help write our letters.
Check out Our Cool School blog to get this poster and response sheet.

I am breaking down this assignment to work on all week.

Mentor Text: I Wanna Iguana  by Karen Kaufman Orloff
You can click the book cover to go to a youtube link.  It's not a professional video but it could be an option for you if you do not have the book.

During Reading:  Pause and discuss what makes Alex's letters so persuasive.

Day 1:  Opinion
Discuss how we want to hook the reader!
We could start with a question, make a bold statement or paint a picture.

My Examples:
I would really like to get a dingo for a pet.
Have you ever had a pet when you were a kid?
Can't you just see the whole family loving a pet dingo?
Can you imagine how cute I will look snuggled up with my new pet dingo?

In my classroom we are using Whole Brain Teaching so each student will share their opening sentence with their partner and then we will share the sentence with oral writing. Then they will each write down their opening sentence.  All this practice makes for some great sentences!

Video for whole brain teaching oral writing
This is my favorite video on oral writing.  I have watched it many times.
Click to view.

Day 2:  Reasons
Some phrases to support the opinion could be:
For example, For instance, One reason, Another reason, Finally

One reason, we should get a dingo is because we all love dogs and dingos are a lot like dogs.
Another reason, is we have been wanting to get a pet for awhile now.

We followed the same procedure with telling our sentence to our buddy with oral writing and then writing it down.

Day 3: Examples
Some ways to start these sentences could be:
Also, Furthermore, Likewise, In addition, On top of that, Specifically

My Examples:
Also, I will take care of the dingo.
On top of that, you have said I am a responsible kid.

Buddy Oral Writing

Day 4: Opinion
Ways to start a sentence:
Again, In fact, In conclusion, Indeed, Let's remember

My Examples:
Again, I would really like to get a pet dingo for the whole family.
Let's remember, that a pet dingo would make a great pet.

Buddy Oral Writing

After making any final edits they will rewrite it on this paper with a little drawing space to showcase their animal.

Pick up your own writing paper for free.  There are two different sized lines.  I made one bigger for a few of my kiddos who have fine motor difficulties.

Here are some finished persuasive letters.  They did a great job!!

Check out my other Australian blogpost!

Promethean Flipchart

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