Thursday, August 20, 2015

Keep "Going"!

Is your To Do List growing like mine?

Time for you to download Google Keep which is a Chrome Extension.  I downloaded it to my Android.  I'm not sure  if it's available for Apple.  

This is such a simple and easy note taking app to use! And I need easy based on the amount I need to add to my to do list.

Here are some screenshots from my phone.  I started to make a shopping list.  When you check it off it goes to the bottom with a line through it but it doesn't disappear.  You can add it back on if needed.

One of my favorite things about this app is that I can share my list!  Send it to my husband and he can do the shopping on the way home from work!!

You can make multiple lists and label them.

This was a demonstration note included when I downloaded it.  It has the web links.  You can add reminders.

I really like a lot of the Google Chrome apps.  It makes things a lot easier having everything grouped.

How students could use this???

Write down homework that is due.
List materials needed to bring to school for a science experiment.
Practice writing lists during centers.
Send a note to their parents.
List of favorite classroom websites.  Then they'd have access to them at home too.

How could you use this app extension???

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