Thursday, August 27, 2015

Monsters Galore in Room #4

I bought the pom poms from Hobby Lobby.  All three colors were in one package but you can also buy packs of one color.  They also have purple, orange, yellow, black, polka dot and I'm sure more!  They are easy to make by yourself too by googling directions but I was being lazy!!

I hot glued craft foam pieces, pipe cleaners, pom poms and paper to make monster faces.  What fun!  I loved making these guys!  They are so cute. 

Last year I had my first grade students paint these monsters with crayon resistance. I saved them over the summer and added them to my board.  I'm moving up a grade so when they come on Back to School night they will get to see their monsters on the wall. My daughter, Abby, hung this all up for me.  What a big helper.

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