Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Major Classroom Reveal 2015-2016

Our entire building had a major overhall!  This was my classroom at the end of July.

This was my classroom August 24th.  The first day I was allowed back into my room!  It has new carpet, paint, door, ceiling and air conditioning!!   How overwhelming!

After 11 hours of work it's starting to look like a classroom!  I see an end in sight!

I still need to do the bulletin board above the whiteboard.  I'm up to 18 students.  I decided to do rows.  I really like it for one of my WBT commands for lining up.  I say "lines, lines, lines."  The students repeat lines, lines, lines 3 times and stand behind their seats.  I look for  the line that does the best job and that line gets to go first.

I like my big windows too!!
I like my reading corner.  There is a lot of room fr students to find their favorite books.  I have a few more boxes to label.  Their individual book boxes are ready to be filled.  They each have a whisper phone in their book box.  The bluish square boxes are chapter books.  I'm just starting to level the books by lexile and guided reading.  This all takes time!

You can see part of my word wall.  I wish I had more time.  It's very crowded.  I already put up the words this year since they were all introduced in kindergarten and first grade.  I had more words than I could fit.  I have the extras in a bucket for students to read from if they would like.

These are the books that are sorted by guided reading level.  It assists them in picking good fit books.  I have too many and the boxes are getting crowded.  Now that I'm teaching 2nd I need to get more of the upper level books.
I got the labels from Mrs. Wills a few years ago.

This is my writing and word work centers.   My bulletin boards are blank in spots for my power pix for whole brain teaching.  I wish I had more board rooms.

Girls and Boys bathroom passes!

I assign each student a number for the year.  I labeled the pocket chart with their numbers and this is where I put their lunch cards.  They can easily get them without me having to sort through the pile.

Have a Monstrous Year!


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