This summer I went to a Wisconsin Blogger Meet Up! It was a great time to meet and talk with other teachers. I wish we could do this more often.
We were all given a prize because so many things were donated to the day! I won 3 books donated by SDE and a subscription to
I'll admit I was a bit hesitant about the if not a bit bummed at first that this is what I had won but now that I've had a chance to work with it these last few weeks I am really delighted with it. It is really easy to use!
My main concern was that it wasn't going to fit everything I like to write down for lesson plans. I like to add a lot of details such as which students I'm going to collaborate with. I have always made up my own lesson sheets so that I could have exactly what I wanted. Before I had won this I had purchased a couple of plan sheets that included the standards but they didn't fit my detailed wants.
First you set up your schedule. I love that you can color code the different subjects.
This is a blank lesson plan for my writing lesson. I was able to make a template to fit my needs. When I fill out the lesson I just move the cursor to the spot and type.
This is what it looks like filled out. I can also bold, underline, highlight etc.
Another neat item is that you can add links to your plans. So I added this youtube link. Not only can I click on it to show the students but it will save it for me for next year if I want to use it again and transfer the lesson plan.
There are many different views you can use and print. This a list view of just one subject. By clicking on it you can edit it. There is a unit option too. I haven't explored that yet.
This is a view of my first week. When I print it out I print for the day.
I am really liking this plan and you can get it for $12.99 for the whole year! In 2016 they are going to be adding a gradebook!
I would like to thank for gifting this subscription to me! I hope many of you find this useful too!
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