Meet the Super Croc
This very interesting story is included in The Treasures Reading Book for second grade. It's Unit 3 Week 4. The genre of nonfiction really sparks an interest in the kiddos. They were drawn into this short story right away with the photographs of this massive animal. We all agree we are happy that it is not alive today! Although it's sad when animals become extinct.
Text to World: Maybe you've seen the youtube video of a massive alligator on the golf course! My students want to know why the people are so close to it? Not very smart!
Google Map: Look up Florida so you can show the class where Florida is and what the habitat is like. We live in Wisconsin so it's very different habitats!
We listened to the story online and then we read it together and lastly they read it with a partner. This is over a few days. After all this reading they were ready to write down 3 facts that they had learned about the Super Croc. Found this idea on pinterest. It was just a jpg so I am not able to give credit. I used the little alligator image and enlarged it on my Promethean Board. Then taped the green paper to the board and traced it with a Sharpie. He turned out so cute! He is hanging in the hall and I've heard a lot of comments from other kids when they walk by.
Click on the picture to get your copy. I've also included pages where it just says alligator or crocodile in case you don't have access to the Super Croc story.
We also wrote in their journals. They glued this to the top. Of course they had to draw a Super Croc too! I have some great artists.
I'm working hard on getting my second graders to write more interesting sentences and not just writing to be finished! They love using pens! I provide 3 colors: black, blue and red.
Black: Rough Draft (they can also use pencil if they would like)
Blue: Revising Pen - add more details or take out what isn't needed.
Red: Editing - fix spelling, grammar and punctuation.
This has really helped in them adding more to their writing. I see a lot more pride in what they are putting on the paper.
Text to Self: They also wrote in their journals if they were a scientist like Paul Sereno, who discovered the croc what type of science would they like to study!
Enjoy reading this with your kiddos!
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