After Thanksgiving we are going to focus on learning the days of the week! Most can recite them in order, although some start with January...
Now we need to learn to read and spell them!
We will start the week by reading Today is Monday. It's a classic loved by all. I love singing the song with them. This will help with learning the order of the days of the week. I also like to hand out cards labeled with the days of the week and have the 7 kids get themselves in order and they hold up the cards as we sing their day.
If you are musically challenged here is a video that plays the song for you.
At their centers they will make this cut and paste book of the days of the week!
You can grab a copy by clicking on the picture.
Some more great books about the Days of the W eek!
Funny and cute book! Check out the others in the series too!
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