Thursday, April 26, 2012

Are you going bananas??

Is your class driving you bananas?  It's that time of year!  They all have the spring fever, summer bug, the indoor blues or whatever disease you want to call it!

I put the kids into groups and we are working on being a community or a neighborhood!  They are divided into color groups.  I named them so creatively! Red Racers... Green Racers... (see the pattern!)

Then each group chose a leader for their group.  This was a little bit of a challenge!  They all wanted to be a leader.  I had to encourage them to figure it out.  I gave them ideas as to what a good leader is and then some said oh that's not me! They wrote their name on the sheet with Vis-a-Vis pens.

Then they had to work as a community/team to pick their jobs.  I reminded them they get to rotate.  I explained that the whole community is responsible to complete the jobs.  If someone is absent or forgets they need to help each other out.  I glued these pockets on the 3 sides and after laminating I used a blade to cut the opening.

These are now hanging on the side of their desks with a magnet.  They are folded in half like a folder.  
When I see communities working together, following rules, or keeping their area clean and organized I give them a "monkey"! These are the Barrel of Monkeys.  Wish they came in different colors!  I have a string with a paperclip hanging from the ceiling.  The groups can earn monkeys.  They can also lose monkeys.  Today when they were talking, I took one away.  It helped at least for a little while.  At the end of the week I will give them a jungle buck for each monkey hanging.  I had gotten my Jungle Bucks from but it is no longer working. :(

If you think you'd like to try this out you can pick up your own copies... Here!
Good Luck with the end of the year and let me know if you try this and how it is working for you or did you make any tweaks that is making it run better.  To get through the end of the year I think we all need a bit of support! 

Or you could try out my other behavior system.  Behavior to Roar About

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