Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wheelchair Basketball

We were so lucky to have the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Men's Wheelchair Basketball come for an assembly to our school.  My husband is the associate director of admissions at Whitewater and works with the team a lot and he asked them to do a favor and come to my school!  What an honor!!

Fifth through Eighth grade had students play against them and then they had the teachers.  It was rigged!  I got called up.  It was fun!  My daughter also got picked!
Here are some photos!

My daughter - she's in 6th grade!

Coach Dan - He had cancer as a young child and has been in the  wheelchair since then.
Double D had a great message for the kids.  He has spina bifida.
His message encouraged kids that they can do anything.
Double D demonstrated how they may fall over in their chairs but they have
belts to keep them in.  The following pictures shows Double D's amazing
way of getting back up!  

Assistant Coach Steve
Shai is from Israel.  He is a fantastic student.
He took 21 credits this semester and got 4.00!!
What a great role model!
Mr. Ott - 6th grade teacher!
All of the teachers that played attended UW-Whitewater!
Me - I tried a basket twice but no luck!  I can't shoot a basket standing let
alone sitting in a moving chair!
I have great respect for the players!
Miss Erikson - 5th Grade Teacher
Mr. Daniels - Phy Ed Teacher

We spent some time in class talking about disabilities and we watched a NBC video from the 2008 paralympics. The UW-W team was at the paralympics - what an accomplishment.

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