Friday, May 18, 2012

Field Day

You know the end of the year is getting close when you have Field Day!  We had beautiful weather!

Our PTO runs the whole thing!  They buy everyone in the school a T-shirt.  The t-shirt is designed by a student.  We held a school-wide contest.

We go through 5 stations.  Potato Bag Races, Hippity Hop Races, Tug-o-war, Obstacle Race and Water Ball Toss.  I love watching their faces when they play these games.  

Our principal joining in on the water ball toss!!  She's so hands-on with the kids!  They love her!

Accelerated Degree Programs
This link takes you to the website where you click on the comments and then scroll to Little Priorities.  You have to sign up for Google+ in order to vote.  It's easy to do.  I'm still looking into the benefits of doing Google+ but Google sure has a lot of cool things that are free.


  1. I love field day for the kiddies! It's always so much fun. Ours is in a couple of weeks. :)

    I am having a big TPT giveaway at my blog- come & check it out!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure
