Saturday, May 19, 2012

Science Assembly

Last week we had a fun and exciting Science Assembly.  For the life of my I can't remember his silly stage name.  He used balloons to teach simple machines.  It was very creative and the kids loved it.

They held different shaped balloons to see which balloon held the  most potential energy.

Inclined Plane
These balloons were put together to make a screw.  They flew threw the air like footballs.

This is a complex machine combining all of the simple machines they learned about.  It was a mousetrap!
Here's the Mouse!  Mrs. Zackery our principal!

This year has gone so fast and I am not going to be able to fit in my simple machine unit.  Could this assembly have been any better??

Accelerated Degree Programs
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1 comment

  1. I am your newest follower.
    I teach first grade in NC.
    Stop by sometime.
