Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mr. Potato Head Pieces for Plant Cups and iPad Linky Party

My Fantastic Brother, Marc Kienast, designed Mr. Potato Head Pieces for my Seeds and Plant Mini-unit!  He is so creative.  I have been asked to just sell the clip art without the unit.  So your wish is my command!   

Click above to get just the clip art for $2.00.

If you want the whole unit that also includes the clip art click above!  Only $4.50.

Sorry I haven't blogged for awhile!  It's just been really crazy with the end of the year.  On Friday we had a teacher inservice day we call "Records Day".  We work on class lists, curriculum alignment, test scores and so much more!  We never have enough time to finish everything! 

I am receiving 3 iPads for my classroom.  I am so excited!  I love all this technology.  I am going to conference on Thursday to learn about iPads.  I would love to know what you do!

Link up your ideas below and please post the link on your blog.  The more bloggers that share the better.  I need lots of ideas!!!


  1. Congrats on getting the iPads!! I am hopeful that I can find a way to get some for my classroom in the near future. I bet your kids will love them! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I have been using an IPad in my classroom since January and we love it! I use it for organizing and notes and randomly calling on students. The kids use it to segment sounds, write and read sight words, handwriting, counting, adding and subtracting and so much more! Congratulations!

    I hope you will check out my new kindergarten blog from a man's view!

