Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Life is Hard

Do you ever have those days that you wish you'd wake up and you would have a different life?  Don't get me wrong, most of the time I love my life but sometimes when all the struggles hit at once you just want to sit down and cry!

Maybe you know or don't know that my husband and I have adopted 5 children.  Three of the five have diagnosed conditions. Having children with a disability is hard and having more than one is really hard. We struggle with organizing all our activities, getting them fed, doing homework and paying for all the extras and needs.

I want to be too many things:  an extreme coupon-er, top-notch blogger, most creative teacher, VBS director, band member, Sunday School teacher, the best mom, wife and friend, house owner, reader, homemaker, crafter, and anything else that draws my attention.  So can I be the best at all of these - NO and then I end up not being good at most of them.

I'm looking forward to summer vacation ~ this class has worn me out and I need a break.  So as I sit and reflect about what I can do to help my family and myself, I am going to take a break from blogging for most of June.  We are taking a family vacation to Florida; so there is a lot of preparing for that and the weeds in the garden are calling me (and they are not calling me nice things!)

I will try to stop in from time to time but please forgive me.  I wish you all the best summer and may your time be relaxing for you too!



  1. Lori,
    I feel you! It's been a day for me too! Kindergarten graduation was today, so the last day with my kiddos. After they departed I was called into the office just to have a bomb dropped on me. They are moving my position from K that I absolutely adore. I'm hurt!

    Hope your days and weeks get better! Just keep smiling!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog
    PS If you haven't already joined my giveaway I would love to have you join!

    1. Thank you for the support and I became a follower of your blog and FB. Do you know what you are going to teach? I hope it's something you feel comfortable with. Sorry this is happening to you!

  2. I'm so sorry you are going through a rough time. I think it takes a very special person to do what you are doing. It takes a selfless person to adopt 3 children with special needs. That is surely something to look up to and I admire you for that. I hope your summer becomes more enjoyable & enjoy that vacation to Florida. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Lori,
    Bless you! I have just one child and he is autistic. Take the much needed rest, I too had a tough year trying to juggle it all. Enjoy you, your hubby and your kids!


  4. Lori, thanks for sharing this with us. I will be praying for you as the month of June unfolds. May you find rest, refreshment, and joyful memories.

    Hugs, Chrissy ReadWriteSing

  5. Lori, I just wanted to give you my best wishes for a restful and happy summer with your wonderful family. Enjoy yourself!

    Lori (
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  6. Have a great vacation!! Relax and re-energize!! You have your plate full. Take care!!

  7. Enjoy your vacation. You will be missed, but family and self should always come first.
    Life with Mrs. L

  8. Lori,
    It sounds like you deserve a great vacation. I am your newest follower. I would love to have you stop by when you get a chance.


  9. Just found your blog and I am your newest follower. Love the pictures of your classroom!


  10. I have only read this one post and you remind me of me! We have 2 biological and 3 adopted children. They are exhausting, but so gratifying. We are in year 10 and things seem to be easing up. I am starting to feel like myself again. I am also a teacher and feel the constant struggle for BALANCE in life. Being pulled in many directions is exhausting. I just said a prayer for you and that you will find your vacation to be very memorable and relaxing.

  11. You guys have been the best! I have loved having all your support and I am back and ready to go! We just got back from our vacation. A little tired but revived!!
