Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Help for Parents

Summer Packets!  How many of you copy them off for your students?  I have for over 18 years.  I always offer an incentive to complete them and return them in the fall.  Over all these years I've had 3 come back!  Not a good percentage... this year I'm trying something new!  I am emailing a parent resource packet!!   I hope this is more successful!

I wanted to give this away for free but I don't have the correct clip art license! :(  So you can pick this up at TpT for $1.00.

Today is the last day of my sale!  20% off of everything listed except for the above packet I just posted.   Fill your wish list for the Fall!  Click below to go there.

Guess what!!  Miss Jena Snowden is going to make my new blog design!!  I am so excited!  I can't wait to get started on this!  Stop by her site ~  she's getting close to 1,000 followers and a giveaway!!

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