Five For Friday Week 3

I just love youtube videos to teach with.  This week I used 2.

Compass Rose - The kids loved this one.  They were singing it the next day by themselves!

There Was a Crooked Man - This was the poem we read this week for fluency.  Check out this previous post.  This video was great for vocabulary.

My daughter (15) and I make lanyards. We've been selling them to the teachers.  I love them because they don't break when you catch them on something.  I can't tell you how many beaded lanyards I have broken.

When I went to the Wisconsin Blogger Meet-Up I won these 3 books from SDE.  I donated the Reading Recipes to my best friend who teaches kindergarten - she was very excited.  I haven't had too much time to look into the others yet. Since I'm using math centers this year the Math Play should come in handy!  Thank you SDE!  Have you ever been to some of their conferences.  They are pretty good.

I'm attending this conference in October.  About 10 of our teachers including me attended a Smekens conference last year and it was amazing.  We learned so much.  I can't wait to go to this one and dig into deeper reading skills.  I love that it's early enough to use in the year!  Anyone else going to go in Kenosha?  I'd love to meet up with you! Click on the brochure and it will take you to the site.  You can see a video link and all their resources that are available.  You will not be disappointed!

Scholastic News are wonderful magazines!  I've been getting them for years but if you're not using the online version you are missing out.

This is the opening screen where you choose which issue you are going to use.  Currently, you can get in without a password so anyone could try it but you can't download printables.  Click on Open your Digital Issue.  Then it will open to the cover.  There's a super packed video to show that lasts a few minutes.

Here's the center pages.  You can push a button to have the computer read it aloud.  Each student in our room has a chrome book I'm thinking of putting it in a center for them to work on. Each purple word reads the definition!

 There are skill based worksheets and common core standard games to play.

I feel these are worth the extra money.  We only bought one classroom subscription to share and we bought the third grade one too to use for differentiation!  Not sure how it will torn

Added Bonus to my Week!

A student brought in cupcakes with Mile High frosting!  He tipped the packages over and they all turned upsidedown.  So... I got to turn them over!

Second Added Bonus!

Got an email at 4:00 tonight that I will have a student in my class on Monday!  This student was on my classlist at the beginning of the year and then moved out the first day of school.  I just threw away all his nametags yesterday!!!  

Have a fantastic weekend!!!

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